
Product & Related Images

Images used on this website are provided by the hotels or services being marketed by us. The images are obtained from the image libraries of the products concerned. The photographers who took the photographs were paid to take the photographs and have no copyright claim on the image after the job was completed. The images are for marketing purposes and are shared with us on the basis they are being used to market the product in question.

Royalty Free Images

We also use royalty free images from and and we credit the photographer where required.

Content Posted by Partners

Additionally we allow hotels to make blog posts directly on our website and use content owned by the hotel. This is done by opening an account. When opening an account the hotel signs a waiver stating they own the content. If you believe the content is copyrighted then we will put you in contact with the hotel and we will temporarily remove the post until the dispute is resolved.

Other Content

All other content is copyrighted and owned by Hurlingham Tavel Services Limited

Charges for Researching Unfounded Copyrights Claims

Any company contacting us regarding copyrights claims need to first make sure the images they are claiming copyrights against do not fall into the category of legitimate marketing on behalf of the hotel or product. If this research is not carried out before contacting us we will invoice your company £120 + VAT each time we have to respond by email or phone call. Minimum billing period is 1 hour.

Do Not Harass Our Staff

Do not harass the Hurlingham Travel staff regarding image copyrights. Address your complaint to

The air holiday packages shown are ATOL protected by the Civil Aviation Authority. Our ATOL number is T7077. We are a member of the Travel Trust Association U1373. Please see our booking conditions for more information. Hurlingham Travel® Hurlingham Travel Services® are registered trade marks of Hurlingham Travel Services Limited.

Website designed & powered by Hurlingham Travel